New Here?

We can't wait to meet you!

We're excited to invite you to join us at church this Sunday. It's a laid-back welcoming space where you can meet new people and find a little inspiration. We're really looking forward to meeting you and sharing this experience together. Hope to see you there!

Service Times

Saturdays 6:00p
Sundays: 9:00a & 11:00a

(970) 249-5306 

Montrose Location

16731 Woodgate Rd. Montrose, CO 81401

Delta Location

300 Stafford lane        Delta, CO 81416

Church Tour

Getting to know each other

We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at Grace a great one!

What can I expect?

How long is a Grace service?
In total, a Grace Church service is about 60 minutes in length. Services begin with the Grace Worship band leading the church in music - song lyrics are projected onto the screens so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable. After the music portion of service is complete, one of our pastors will come out to share an encouraging and hope-filled message about Jesus. 

What's the culture like at Grace?  
Weekends at Grace are exciting, casual, and relaxed. Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as our guest.

For Your Kids

Grace Kids